Marien Barricks to Washington DC January 11, 1862
PS to Chester County To please the receiver and Co.
George Washington Lewis Junior For Tom Shipley Lewis That’s so I only reach.
I take up my pen to let you know that I am well at present and hope this will find you the same as it leaves. We only not penned up the same. I believe that I wrote to you since you wrote to me but I want something to do to pass the time away as we have plenty of time at present as the weather is wet and unfavorable for drilling in the yard. It looks like snow today. I don’t know how it will turn out. There is plenty of rain. Fine weather for young ducks and geese. You mustn’t get frightened at this letter, it won’t hurt you. Pretty harmless.Turn over.
January 13th I will now take up my pen to let you know how times are here and finish this letter which I began on Saturday. I am as well as usual. The weather has been very warm today. It is a little cold and looks like snow. I hope it will for my part for then we won’t have to drill. Then we will have easy times.
It don’t look as though the war was coming to an end very soon. Everything is quiet here at present and looks as though it would keep so for a while. I wish they would commence pretty soon for I am tired of waiting. If I have to fight i want to get at it for we will have to wade through those Rebels anyhow. So the sooner we commence the better. Perhaps England may want to fight bye and bye and if we get through with the South we will be ready for them and give them what they want. That is a good-licking.
I don’t think I will go to see (sea?) this Winter now. I don’t know for they tell us such lies here that you can’t believe them when they say anything. So I think I will stay here at present. Turn over I have about run out of material for writing at present. So I think I will stop for the present and think over it. I send you my best respects and hope you luck if you get to making moccasins. Give my best respect to all inquiring friends; and that’s the end of it. I as ever sign myself your brother GW Lewis Thomas Shipley Lewis master of Chester County
