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License Petition for the Eagle Hotel
To the honorable the Judges of the Court of General Quarter Sessions in and for the County of Chester The petition of Mifflin Lewis, respectfully represents That he has erected a large four story house in the township of Tredyffrin, on the Philadelphia and Columbia railroad, at a point where the Old Lancaster Road crosses the same, about sixteen miles from the city of Philadelphia, and midway between the Whitehall and Paoli taverns. That the said house is a double? house, with four rooms on each floor (except in the basement story, where there are two rooms) having a doubled storied piazzo in the front and is, in connection with its stabling and other out buildings, in every respect fitted for a commodious inn, from which purpose it was built. That the point at which the said house is situate is, already, a depot for goods brought there for transportation on the railway, and, in contemplation of the speedy increase of such deposits, your petitioner has now in progess of construction, a warehouse for the reception of goods. That the State has established a watering station near the said house and also erected two wood houses for the supply of the locomotive engines with fuel, thus making the said point a general stopping place of the trains of cars travelling on the said railroad, and causing it to be a place of very general ? of persons desirous of taking passage in the cars. And your petitioner further represents that an arrangement has been made to carry the ? mail from Philadelphia, presently, on the said railroad after the first of January next, which must, doubtless cause a corresponding transfer of the Post Office from the Philadelphia and Lancaster turnpike road to the said Railway, so that the Post Office, now located at the Buck will, probably, be removed to Whitehall while that at the Spread Eagle will be changed to the house of your petitioner. In these reasons, and others that might be stated, your petitioner prays your honour to grant him a license to keep a public inn or tavern in the said house, for the ensuing year. Dec. 29, 1835 And he will pray do Signed Mifflin Lewis P.S Direct (?) the same as before excuse all mistakes and bad writing |