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Court of Common Pleas, Chester CountyThe Petition of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company respectively represents - That your petitioners, by a certain act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, approved the tenth day of April 1867, entitiled "A further supplement to an act to incorporate the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, approved April 13th, AD 1846, authorizing the Pennsylvania Railroad Company to construct additional railraod tracks, sidings, depots, workshops, and other appurtenances, along, adjoining, or continguous to their own line of railroad, and the railroads now owned and leased or hereafter to be owned or leased by them, and to straighten and improve the same, and to acquire the property upon which to construct the same, paying therefore the value of the property to be used or occupied," are authorized and enpowered from time to time, as they may deem necessary, to construct and use, along, adjoining, or continguous to their lines of railroad, or to the lines of railroad now owned or leased, or that hereafter may be owned or leased, by them, additional tracks, sidings, depots, turnouts, water-ways, workshops, and other appurtenances requisit and needful for the prosecution of their business, and for the accomodation and transportation of the trade and traffic over and upon the said railroads, and also improve and straighten the said lines of railroads, and to construct the needful apputenances thereto; and for all and any such purposes the said Company are authorized to enter upon, acquire, take, and appropriate such land, tenements and property, along, adjoining, and contiguous with said railroads, or elsewhere, as they may deem necessary for the purpose of straightening or improving of the said railroads, and of constructing the needful appurtenancies thereto. That your petitioners, for all and any of the purposes mentioned in the said act, deem it necessary to enter upon, acquire, take, and appropriate the following described premises, to wit :- [to be added]