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Mary Walker Roberts diary: Deaths page 19Transcription p. 19 Walker death record – Mike Bertram Nov. 25, 2020 Green highlighting indicates place names; fushia highlighting indicates cause of death; enterred = interred; original death paper was cut off on left side and very blurry image Feb. 20, 1838 Charlestown Township Chester County Hezekiah (?) Davis died about ninety years – He was a soldier of the revolution and one of those who suffered the deprivations and horrors of the New York prisonship. This vice of confusion (?) of Liberty is nearly extinct – here and there a heavy head is seen to claim from the younger the reverence due to age – and the gratitude due to public service to this reverence and this gratitude was H Davis prominently entitled Was buried at the Valley from Pottsgrove Ruth Richards the 20th 2nd 1838 Was buried the 25th of 2nd mo 1838 Saml (Samuel) Richards wife she died of the Measles Sarah Gorsuch was buried in Philadelphia 3rd mo 3rd 1838 Mary W. wife of Issaher (?) Evans was buried 3rd mo 3rd 1838 __cole (?Nicole??) Rapp was buried at the Ridge on Seventh day the 1st of 4th mo 1838 of Palsey which he laboured under about __ years John (?) Rapp was buried at the ridge on first day the 22 of 4th mo 1838 of Palsy of eight days illness aged 68 years 4 mo 22 days Jacob Aker (?) buried his young son on 7th day the 5th of 5th mo 1838 John Jacobs was buried the 10 of 7th mo 1838 at Providence ___ Harriet ? Van ? Chers Balee ???? was buried the 13 of 7th mo 1838 ___ Hannah?? Daughter of Dr. J.L. Coffman was drowned the 8th of 8th mo 1838 ___ Thomas was killed by the breaking of a swing on the 4th of 8 mo ____ Fufsell (?? Fussell??) son was buried the 19 of 10 mo 1838 ______________________ buried the 27th of 10th mo 1838 ______________________ was buried the 29th of 10th mo 1838 ______________________ Morgan Eager was buried the 27th of 5th mo 1838 Peggy Rue ? was buried the 19th of 1st mo 1839 her death caused by the upset of the slay ? under their wagon (wagon) which run over her. She survived about 2 weeks Mary Sowers was buried the 18th of 2nd mo at the Minest burying ground aged about 80 years ____________________ was buried at friends burying ground Valley 3mo 19th 1839 attended by _____________ course of relatives & friends. A meting was held on the occasion _____________ Kimber & Joseph Foulke spoke largely of his age ___________________ 2 months & 18 days ______________ daughter ?? was found dead on the Valley hill 3rd mo 25 1839 _____________ was buried at the Valley Presbyterian 4th mo 4 1839 ____________ was buried 4 mo 5th 1839 April 5, 1839 |