Document Collection

Orphan Court Documents concerning the children of Llewellyn David

Date: 1724 onwards

p. 33

At an Orphans Court held at Chester for the said County
ye twent fifth day of February Ano Dom I724/ 5
Upon ye peticon of James DAVID setting forth some hard-
hips he lays under by ye pretended authority, of some, pspns
claiming ye Guardianship of children not duly admitted & by
virtue of such an authority a demd being made on ye sd James
for some money dew to ye Children of Llewel1yn DAVID late of
the township of Tredyffrin deced And whereas Elizabeth DAVID
one of ye children of ye said Decd, having made applicacon
to this Court by ye consent of her mother Bridgett DAVID to
'be allow’d to chuse John DAVID, James DAVID & John PARRY to
be Guardians during her minority - wch ye Court upon deli-
beracon admitts to prosecute & defends all accons as ye law
in that behalf directs-
Ordered ye Clerk to issue out a summons agt David JONES
John DAVID & 'Thomas MARTON ret: next Court to give an account
of their authority for acting as Guardians on ye Estate of
Llewel1yn DAVID deced  -


p. 62
28th Feb 1733/4?
(Page 50)
John DAVID David JONES & Thomas MORTON being called and
appeared according to an order of last Orphans Court for giv-
ing an account of their proceedings on the estate of Llewellin
DAVID deced concerning their acting as Guardians to his Child-
ren which upon examincon

Be it remembred yt James DAVID David JONES John DAVID

p. 62
28th Feb 1733/4?
Thomas MORTON & James PARRY and John PARRY all of the county
of chester yomens is admitted Guardians to next
Eliza DAVID Isaac DAVID Sarah DAVID & Llewellin DAVID children
of Llewellyn DAVID late of ye Township of Tredyffrin Deced be-
ing within age & is hereby impowered to prosecute and defend
all suits and pleas & actions whatsoever for and on behalf of
the said Eliza DAVID Isaac DAVID Sarah DAVID & Llewellyn DAV-
ID as the law directs


p. 63

At an Orphans Court at Chester for ye sd County ye
twenty fifth day of February Ano Dom 1724/5
Present Nathaniel NEWLIN
Elizabeth DAVID one of ye daughters of Llewellyn DAVID
Late of the township of Tredyffrin Deced hath made applicacon
to this court for ye chusing her Guardians which ye court ad-
mitted her to do
Be it remebred that James DAVID John DAVID and John
PARRY all in the county of chester yomans is admitted Guardi-
ans and next friends to Elizabeth DAVID
being within age is hereby impowered to prosecute and defend
all suits pleas and actions whatsoever for and on the behalf
of ye said Eliza DAVID as ye law, directs
Ordered ye Clerk to ifsue out a sumons against David
JONES John DAVID & Thomas MORTON re : next Court to give an
account of their authority for acting as Guardians on the
estate of Llewellyn DAVID Deced

p. 66
At an Orphans Court held at Chester for the said. County
ye twentninth day of May Ano Dom 1725

Present Nathanl NEWLIN)
Richard HAYES

Be it remembred yt James DAVID David JONES John DAVID
Thomas MARTIN and James PARRY and John PARRY all of  the County
of Chester yomans are admitted Guardians and next friends to
Eliza DAVID Isaac DAVID Sarah DAVID & L1ewellyn DAVID children
of Llewellyn DAVID late of ye township of Tredyffrin Deced
being within age and is hereby impowered to prosecute and de-
fend all suits pleas & accons Whatsoever for and on ye behalf
of ye said Eliza DAVID Isaac DAVID Sarah DAVID and Llewellyn
DAVID as the law in that behalf directs -


(Page 56 )




David family tree