Document Collection

Accounts, William Roberts Estate

The Account of the Administration of Joseph Roberts one of the Executors of the last will and testament of William Roberts late of the township of Schuylkill in the county of Chester deceased.

The said accountant charges himself as follows
to ½ of weaving apparel of decedent $10
to ½ of household goods of decedent 30
Balance due accountant 11597.01
And craves credit as follows
By cash paid register of letters testament $3.90
By cash paid register William Irvin coffin 12.50
By cash paid Jacob Rapp digging grave 2
By cash paid register Isaac Price funeral expenses 7.75
By cash paid register Joseph J. Lewis counsel fee 5
By accountant own account against decedent 11600.86
By cash paid Register by clerk of Orphans court 5
Errors excepted
June 8 A.D. 1842