A certain messuage, plantation and tract of land
05.09.1819 Village Record
On Tuesday the 22d of June instant,at two o'clock in the afternoon, at the dwelling house on the farm, (the late residence of Dr. John Davis,) a certain messuage, plantation and tract of land, in the township of Tredyffrin in Chester county ; bounded by lands of George Beaver, Thomas Walker and others ; containing one hundred fifty six acres and a half, more or less, with the appurtenances. ALSO - a Lot of Woodland in the same township, bounded by lands of Rees Howell Thomas Walker and others ; containing 8 acres and 36 perches, more or less, with the appurtenances, ALSO - the undivided two third parts of a tract of woodland in the said township ; bounded by lands of Thomas Walker, Alexander Kennedy and others ; containing 7 acres and 122 perches, more or less, with the appurtenances. ALSO - the undivided two eighth parts of a messuage, plantation and tract of Land, in the same township ; bounded by ands of Rees Howell, Henry Zook and others- containing 162 acres, more or less, with the appurtenances. The first described farm, consists of the finest limestone valley land with a great proportion of wood.- It is well watered by a stream flowing through it, and running by the House. The land is in a high state of cultivation, and is conveniently laid off into fields, and under good fence ; there is a large new stone house, finely finished and handsomely situated, with a large good stone barn ; carriage house, and all other out-buildings on the premises. The farm is in an excellent neighbourhood, convenient to places of worship, mills, etc. and is about 1 mile from the Lancaster turnpike - 2 miles from the Spread Eagle tavern, and about 16 miles from the city of Philadelphia. This Farm is altogether one of the most valuable kind, and well deserving the attention of purchasers, as well farmers as those who wish a fine country residence. The wood-lots are valuable. The last described Farm adjoins the above, and consists of the same kind of land, in good order, with a good proportion of wood, and well watered and fenced. There is a good dwelling house, barn and other out buildings on it. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Enoch Davis and Elijah Davis.
Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 5/8/2022.
