Document Collection


12.19.1821 American Republican
Agreeably to the last Will and
Testament of Jacob Huzzard, late
of the townships of Tredyffrin, in the
county of Cherter, [Chester], deceased, Will
be Sold at Public Vendue, on
Saturday the 29th inst. an one o'clock,
P.M. on the premises, a plantation
or tract of land, situate in the
township aforesaid, containing about
142 ACRES,
More or less, ten acres of which
is woodland, about about six acres of
meadow. The remainder is good
arable land, divided into convenient
fields and fenced with chesnut rails.
The improvements are a house, part
stone and part frame, a log barn, a
stone spring house over a never failing
spring of good water. The said
property is situated half a mile
north of the Spread Eagle, on the
Philadelphia and Lancaster
turnpike road, 14 miles from the former.
ALSO, at the same time and place,
will be sold 3 acres of timber land,
lying near the aforesaid premises, &
on the road leading from the Spread
Eagle to the Friends Meeting
House in the Great Valley. For
further information enquire of either
of the subscribers in Siterville, who
will show the same.
Rees. Rambo,
Edward Siter.

Siterville, Dec. 12, 1821. 2t-4

This sale of land in the Strafford area seems to have been unsuccessful.

Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 5/9/2022.

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