Document Collection

A certain messuage Plantation and tract of Land,

01.16.1822 Village Recordd
By Virtue of a writ of Levari Facias,
to me directed will be sold at public sale
on Friday the 1st of Feb. next at 2 o'cl'k
in the afternoon, at the Court house in the
borough of Westchester in the county of
Chester, a certain messuage Plantation
and tract of land situate in the township
of Tredyffrin in the county of Chester,
bounded by lands of Joshua Evans,
Frederick Landis, turnpike road and others,
containing 12 acres, more or less with the
appurtenances. The above premises are
situated on the Philadelphia and Lancaster
turnpike road, upon which is erected
stone tavern, stone stabling and sheds,
log barn, two tenement houses one stone
the other frame - the whole in a state of
good repair.
Seized and taken in execution as the
property of James Foute, and Hannah his
wife, and the terre tenants.
And to be sold by
SAMSON BABB, Sheriff, Westchester,
January 11, 1822.

See the Hort - Wright patents for the deed history. This is an attempted sale of the Black Bear tavern in Paoli.

Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 5/9/2022.

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