Document Collection

Valley Farm

10.16.1822 Village Record
Valley Farm
Agreeable to the last will and
testiment [testament] of Enoch Jones, late dec'd ;
will be sold at public sale, on the
premises, on the 14th day of Nov.
next, at 2 o'clock P.M. a valuable
plantation, containing about 150
acres of land, situate in the Great
Valley, in Tredyffrin township, -
Chester county, bounded by lands
of David Reese, Joshua Jones, Esq.
James Jones and others, and 1 mile
north of the Lancaster turnpike
road, 16 miles from Philadelphia,
14 from Westchester, and 6 from
Norristown ; 30 acres of which is
woodland, 10 of watered meadow,
and the rest divided into small fields
well fenced with chesnut rails, well
watered, a stream running near the
door, a lime stone quarry on the
premises of which large quantities
may be disposed of ; the land is in
a good state of cultivation, has been
lately limed, and is principally
under a good sod. The improvements
are a large two story stone house
with 4 rooms on a floor, a large
entry, cellared under the whole, and
kitchen adjoining the same, a large
barn, stone waggon house, stone
spring house over a never failing
spring of good water, with other out
buildings all in good repair ; also a
tenement house 2 stories high ; this
property is beautifully situated in a
good neighborhood, near to houses of
ownership ?,
within half a mile of the
Baptist meeting, and 1 1-2 of the
Friends' meeting, convenient to
mills. This farm is worth the
attention of the Agriculturalist, it is
one of the first rate dairy farms, the
deceased carried it on fed ? may
years to great advantage. The
title is indisputable ; it is deemed
unnecessary to give a further
description as it is presumed it will be
viewed by any who wish to
ALSO - at the same time and
place, will be sold several valuable
wood lots of chesnut timber ; for
further information enquire of
either of the subscribers, or to
Spicer Jones residing on the premises
who will shew the same.
David Beaver,
Edward Siter,
Ex'rs. [Executors]
Oct 16. ts12

This is General Howe's Quarters. See the Rowland Richards purchase for the deed history.

Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 5/9/2022.

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