Document Collection


12.31.1823 American Republican
PURSUANT to an order from the Orphans'
Court of Chester county, will be
exposed to public sale, on
Saturday the third day of January

At one o'clock in the afternoon, on the
premises, a
Of limestone land, late the property of Dr.
John Davis, deceased, situate in Tredyffrin
township, Chester county, about 16 miles
from the City of Philadelphia, one and an
half miles north of the Spread Eagle Tavern,
adjoining lands of Dr. William Harris
and others, containing one hundred and sixty
two acres and three quarters, about thirty ?
acres of which is woodland; the remainder is
in a good sate of cultivation, having a Lime
kiln and Limestone quarries on the same. -
The buildings are, a large Stone house, Barn
partly Stone, a new Stone Waggon house,
Stone spring house, over a never failing
spring of water.
Possession will be given to the purchaser,
on the first day of April next, on complying
with the terms of sale, which will be made
known by
Cad'r. E. Davis,
Joshua Jones,
Matthew Roberts, Adm'rs. [Administrators]
Dec 9, 1823. 4-3t

See the Henry Lewis patent for the deed history.

Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 5/11/2022.

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