Document Collection

Public Sale

08.11.1824 Village Record
Public Sale
To be sold at Public Sale, on the
Premises, on Thursday the 2d of
September next at one o'clock P.M. a
Plantation, Late the property of Ann Llewellin,
dec. situate in Tredyffrin township,
Chester county (within a few perches of
the Lancaster turnpike, the old
Lancaster road running immediately in front
of it) between 16 and 17 miles from
Philadelphia - adjoining lands of John Reese,
David Reese and others, containing by a
recent survey Seventy-four acres and
some perches, about Thirty whereof is
under timber, the remainder chiefly
arable and meadow divided into convenient
inclosures with chesnut rail fence and in
a middling state of cultivation. The
improvements are a large Log house three
stories in front and two back, lathed and
plastered on the outside, with a well at
the door ; there is sufficient stabling a
part whereof is nearly new, a log spring
house over a never failing spring of
excellent water. A further description is
deemed unnecessary as those including to
purchase will view for themselves. The
premises will be shewn by application to
Abel Lewis residing near the same.
Conditions will be made known at the time of sale by
N.B. If the above property should not
sell altogether & quantity of Timber will
be sold Wood-leave[sic].
August 11th, 18974.

See the William Standly patent for the deed history. Rebecca did not sell the proeprty until 1828.

Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 5/11/2022.

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