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11.10.1829 American Republican
PUBLIC SALE WILL be offered at public sale, on fourth day the 9th of December next, a VALUABLE PLANTATION and tract of land, situate in the Great Valley, Tredyffrin township, Chester co.
containing 104 1-2 acres of the best quality of limestone land; adjoining lands of Peter Acker, Conrad Acker and others. There is a good apple orchard on the premises, and a sufficient quantity of woodland and meadow - watered by Indian Run; the remainder is divided into convenient fields. The land is well adapted to the
raising of every kind of grain - the whole of it having a southern exposure. The buildings are two two story houses - the mansion large and commodious; a large barn, granary, milk house, wagon house and hay house, all substantially built of stone - and a fram smithshop. On the property is a lime kiln, and an inexhaustible quarry of lime stone. The property is ina good neighborhood, convenient to mills and placers of worship, convenient to mills and places of worship, and within two miles of the Lancaster turnpike. Any person wishing to view the property will apply to the subscriber living thereon. BENJAMIN JONES. November 10.
Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 5/11/2022.