Document Collection

Obituary of Joshua Evans

Date: 13 October 1846

At his residence, Paoli, on the evening of the 2d instant, Gen. JOSHUA EVANS, aged about 72 years.

It is with great regret, that we announce the decease of this most estimable and worthy citizen of Chester county. Gen. Evans has, through a long life, borne the reputation of a high minded and honorable man, actuated, in his intercourse with his fellow men, by the purest integrity, and enjoying the united confidence of a large and extensive neighborhood acquaintance.

Gen. Evans, besides holding several minor positions of public trust, has been elected by the citizens of Chester county to represent them in the State Legislature, and in connection with Lancaster and Delaware counties, was in 1828 returned as a member of Congress for the district; and in 1830 was re-elected, while his two colleagues on the democratic ticket, failed of an election. As a public man. he had the full confidence of his party, retaining at the same time, the regard of his political opponents. While a representative in Congress, he gained the esteem and friendship of many of the first men of the country, and their respect for his many virtues, and unassuming character, followed and remained in his retirement.

Some months since, a severe mental excitement. the effect of mis-placed confidence in one whom he had greatly befriended, combined with internal disease, undermined his health, and he has been lingering in great weakness and health and bodily prostration until the light of life finally expired. Seldom is there an individual taken from society whose place of usefulness, will be so difficult to fill. His immediate vicinity will severely feel his loss, and the county of which he was a prominent citizen, will fail longer to receive his valuable services. —American Republican. 10.13.1846

Village Record


Evans Family Tree
Early History of Paoli by Mike Bertram, TEHS Quarterly, April 2014, Volume 51, Number 1.