Document Collection

Valley Farm at

12.25.1832 American Republican
PURSUANT to an Order of the Orphans'
Court of Chester County, will be exposed to
Public Sale, on the premises, on Fifth-day, the
the 10th of the first month, (January) next, at ten
o'clock, A.M. the following
Valuable Real Estate
Late the property of Jesse G. Hicks, dec'd viz:
a certain Messuage, Plantation, and tract of Land
- situate in the township of Tredyffrin, Chester
county, bounded by lands of David Wilson, Adam
Rinewalt and others, containing ninety-three
acres and some perches. There is on the premises
a good proportion of
Orchard, and Meadow. The land is in a high state
of cultivation; the whole under good fence, divided
into convenient fields, well set with grass and
well watered with the little Valley creek running
through the farm, The improvements are a large
Stone spring-house, a large double floored stone
barn, gig-house ; ? hog-house and other out buildings
- all substantial and in good order, together with
a large quantity of limestone on the premises. The
farm is a convenient one, in a very public situation
with the Swedes' Frod [Swedesford] road passing through it,
immediately by the buildings 18 miles from the
city of Philadelphia, and about 11 from West Chester.
A further description is deemed unnecessary
as persons wishing to and desirous of viewing
the property, will be shown the same by
application to Ann L. Hicks, residing thereon, on to either
of the subscribers.
Attendance will be given and conditions made
known on the day of sale.
WILLIAM HICKS, ELIJAH LEWIS, Adm'rs. [Administrators]
By order of the Court,
12th mo. 18, 1832.

Public Sale,
Of Valuable Woodland,
PURSUANT to an order of the Orphans'
Court of Chester County, will be exposed
at Public Sale on Saturday, the 12th day of January
next, at the Mansion House, at 1 o'clock, in
the afternoon on the premises the following
Situate in the township of Tredyffrin in said county,
late the property of James H. Penington, dec.
viz: A Lot of Woodland, divided off the North
end of the farm of James H. Penington, dec'd
containing sixteen acres and ninety three perches
of fine
Timber Land
And bounded by Randall Evans, Daniel Baugh,
and Peter Jequett. Conditions will be made
known on the day of sale, by
JOHN BEAVER, Adm'r [Administrator]
Dec. 18, 1832. p.

See the William Mordant patent for the deed history.

Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 5/13/2022.

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