Document Collection

Farm for Sale

10.20.1835 American Republican
Farm for Sale
WILL be sold at Public Sale, on Saturday
the 7th day of November next, at one
o'clock, P.M. on the premises, all that
message, Plantation and tract of Land, situate in
Tredyffrin township, Chester county, 14 miles
from Philadelphia, bounded by lands of
Edward Siter, James Watson, Joseph Kennedy,
and others, containing
73 Acres and some Perches,
of good woodland. The improvements are a
large two story stone dwelling house, with a
well of water at the door, stone barn, spring
house over a never failing spring, the Gulf and
Darby creek passes thro said farm. The land
is in a good state of cultivation, it has of late
been well improved by the application of lime
and manure. Also the Pennsylvania rail road
passes through said farm near the door, which
will enable the purchaser to carry on any kind
of public business. For further particulars
enquire of the subscriber living thereon.
Sale to commence at one o'clock,
conditions at sale, by
October 20, 1835. 43

See the Richard Hunt patent for the deed history.

Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 5/18/2022.

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