Document Collection

Paper Mill, lime stone quarries, lime kilns and
2 tracts of land

11.30.1841 American Republican
Public Sale
BY virtue of a writ of Levari Facias to me
directed, will be sold at public sale on
Saturday the 25th of December next, at one
o'clock, P.M. on the premises, all those stone
messuages, PAPER MILL, lime
stone quarries, lime kilns and two
adjoining tracts of land, situate on
the road leading from Philadelphia
to the Yellow Springs, 17 miles from the former
and 6 miles from the latter place, in
Tredyffrin township Chester county, 3 miles north
of the Pennsylvania railroad and 4 miles south
of the Schuylkill canal and Reading railroad.
The tract on which the mill stands is bounded
by lands of Jesse Snyder, Samuel Acker,
Robert Todd and others, and contains 30 acres of
well improved land. The mil is built of stone,
70 by 40 feet, 3 stories high, with wheat house
attached; the gearing is all of case iron, entirely
new and in good order ; the mill was fitted
up at a great expense and adapted with much
care to the manufacture of fine paper, the wash
water is conveyed a distance of 350 yards by
means of iron pipes from a reservoir, which is
supplied by a never failing spring of pure water.
There are also on this tract a large stone
DWELLING HOUSE, conveniently divided
into rooms and handsomely situated with a
stream of water passing near the door, stone
spring house, large stone barn, 60 by 30 feet,
with good stabling, stone tenant house, stone
shop or dye house, and a large stone building,
part of which is used as a dwelling house, and
with little expense may be converted into 2
comfortable dwellings, two lime kilns, one of which
is new. The lime stone quarries are the best in
the State, and can be worked with great facility
and little expense ; the blast kilns so much
in use in some parts might be erected to great
advantage in the quarries, as a stream of water
sufficiently strong to work the blast passes through them.
The other tract is bounded by lands of Henry
Detwiler, John Robinson and the above
mentioned tract, and contains 9 acres
and 33 perches, about one half of
which is WOODLAND ; there is
erected on this tract a two story
stone dwelling house, with kitchen back and
a large stone stable. This house was formerly
occupied as a public house, and is very
pleasantly situated on the Phila. and Yellow
Springs road, and has a fountain of water
running at the door. The spring and reservoir
which supplies the mill with wash water are on
this property. To persons wishing to enter
extensively into the lime burning business or
in manufacturing of any kind, an excellent
opportunity is afforded. The property will positively
be sold to the highest bidder, clear of
encumbrance ; being the same premises which
Robert Irwin by deed dated the 19th day of
November, 1840, sold and conveyed to
Nathaniel Richardson and Jess Moore, subject
to a Mortgage of $4000, under which the
property is now selling. Seized and taken in
execution, and to be sold by
Sheriff's Office West Chester,
Nov. 30, 181.- 4t46

See the Philip Howell Patent for the deed history of Clinton (later Cedar Hollow) Mill.

Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 5/19/2022.

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