09.26.1843 Village Record
Valuable Valley Dairy Farm Private Sale WILL be sold at Private Sale - all that valuable Dairy Farm, late the estate of Abram Phillips, Esq., dec'd., situated in Tredyffrin township, Ches. [Chester] co., one mile and a half northwest of Paoli, containing 147 Acres - bounded by lands of John and Edward Bartholomew, Robt. T. Evans and others. The improvements are a commodious two story stone Mansion House, in good repair - stone Barn, 70 by 40 feet - stone spring house over an excellent spring - stone smoke house, carriage house - hog house and other out-buildings; also a good tenant house and an Orchard of choice bearing trees of several varieties of fruits. About 12 acres of the above Land is prime meadow land, through which the small valley creek passes - a reasonable proportion of it is covered with thriving TIMBER, and the remainder is arable land in a high state of cultivation, divided into a convenient fields by good fences, and well watered. ALSO - For sale - as above a tract of 25 Acres adjoining the above. The improvements are a good two story stone dwelling House, large frame Barn, stone Spring House, &c., - all in good repair. The Land is in a high state of cultivation, and divided into convenient fields by good fences. This latter property is well calculated for a professional man or a mechanic. Both properties are in a good neighborhood convenient to mills, schools and places of public worship. If the division lines (as now made) should not be satisfactory to purchasers, they will be made so, at the time of sale. For further information, purchasers are referred to Jonathan Jones, Green Tree Inn, near the premises, or David Meconkey, West Chester, or at the West Chester Hotel, Broad st., Phil'a. ANN PHILLIPS, JOHN L. PHILLIPS, Sept. 19, 27. For themselves and the other heirs.
Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 5/20/2022.