12.05.1843 American Republican
PUBLIC SALE OF THE REAL ESTATE OF JOSEPH KENNEDY, DEC'D. PURSUANT to an orde of the Orphans' Court of Chester county, will be sold public vendue, lon the premises, on Saturday the 16th day of December, 1843, at 1 o'clock P.M. a valuable farm, situate in the township of Tredyffrin, Chester county ; bound by the Old Lancaster Road, and lands of Mifflin Lewis, James Watson, Jonathan Mou?? and others, late the property of Joseph Kennedy, dec'd. Containing in all about 96 acres, about ? acres of which is excellent woodland. The above farm is within 14 miles of the city of Philadelphia, and about 200 yards from the Philadelphia and Lancaster turnpike at about 1/2 ? a mile from the Spread eagle Tavern, the Columbia and Philadelphia Railroad passes through the property, it likewise joins the Gaysville water station on said Railroad, where the passenger and other cars stop ? daily ; it is convenient to mills, schools, ??? &c. The improvements consist of a large ? story house 45 feet front by 22 deep, ? part? stone and part frame, with a fine milk house near the door, a good stone barn, 45 by ? feet, wagon house adjoining barn, with grainaries above ; frame coach house, 16 by 16 feet, an apple orchard ; there is also a spring with a fine stream of water running through the ? place; there is likewise a pump near the door ? of the dwelling, and one in the barn yard, location is beautiful, being in a very healthy ? neighborhood. Persons wishing to view the premises previous to the day of sale, will be shown the same by applying to Wiliam ? residing thereon or to the subscriber. Conditions will be made known on the day of sale by JOHN MEREDITH, Adm'r [Administrator] Nov. 21, 1843. - ts15
Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 5/20/2022.
NOTE: right side of clipping is cut off and many words are unreadable, but "guessable". HCS