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An immense quantity of limestone with limekiln
03.26.1844 Village Record
Lot No. 2. Being the undivided half part of half an acre of land, situated in Cedar hollow, Tredyffrin township, and county aforesaid, bounded by lands of Robert Todd and others. There ?? on this lot an immense quantity of limestone, of the best quality, with limekilns convenient thereto. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Joseph Roberts, and to be sold by HEZEKIAH JACKSON, coroner, Acting as Sheriff. Coroner's Office, West Chester March 19, 1844. N.B. The Sheriff has made the following one of the conditions of his sales of Real Estate, which will be enforced in the sales of the above premises. Fifty dollars of the price or sum at which the property shall be struck off shall be paid to the sheriff at the time of sale, (unless the purchase money be less than that sum, in which case only the purchase money shall be paid,) otherwise the property will again be immediately put up and [balance of article missing, but probable language is] otherwise the property will again be put up and sold. [language similar in doc504]
Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 5/21/2022.
