Document Collection

Sheriff's Sale

03.11.1845 American Republican
Sheriff's Sale
BY virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas,
to me directed, will be sold at public sale, on
Wednesday, the 2nd dy of April next, at one
o'clock, P.M., on the premises, a certain
messuage plantation and tract of land, situate
in the township of Tredyffrin, in the county
of Chestreer, bounded by lands of Abner
Cornog, Conrad Acker and others, containing one
hundred and sixty five acres, more or less
with the appurtenances.
The improvements consist of a
large two story stone dwelling house,
in good repair; large double floored
stone barn, with sheds attached to
the same; wagon-house, spring-house, smoke-house,
limekiln, three tenant houses, stable,
blacksmith and wheelright shops, and now
occupied as such, and where a good business is
done. There is a stream of water passing
through the property, sufficient for light
water works. The above described property is
situated in the Great Valley, one mile north
of the Pennsylvania rail way, at the Green
Tree, and is intersected by several very public
roads, and has on it limestone in abundance ;
it is divided into convenient fields by good
fences, in a high state of cultivation, and of
the best quality - well watered and fenced,
and has on it a a reasonable proportion of woodland
and meadow, and is well calculated for
and raising grain. Seized and taken in
execution as the property of JOHN G. BULL, and
to be sold by
J.B. Wood, Sheriff
Sheriff's Office, West Chester
March 11, 1845. - ts.
N.B. The Sheriff has made the following
one of the conditions of the sales of Real
Estate, and it will be enforced in the sale of
the above premises. Fifty dollars of the price
or sum at which the property shall be struck
off shall be paid to the Sheriff at the time of
sale, unless the purchase money be less than
that sum, in which case only the purchase money
shall be paid, otherwise the property will
again be immediately put up and sold.

See the Rees Rhythey Purchase for the deed history.

Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 5/23/2022.

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