Document Collection

Valley Farm at Private Sale

09.23.1845 Village Record
Valley Farm at Private Sale
THE undersigned offers at private sale her
Farm, situated in the Great Valley, Chester co.
18 miles from Philadelphia, 1 from Valley Forge,
1 frm the Reading rail road, and 3 from the
Columbia rail road, in a fine healthy location
containing 148 acres of the best Limestone Land,
with fine meadows, well watered, a large
Orchard of grafted fruit, good woodland, a
never failing spring of excellent water, a large
and commodious spring house; the Valley
Creek passes within a few yards of the house,
which affords an excellent water power. The
Farm abounds with limestone of the best quality,
which, with the advantage of location, might be
made very profitable. The improvements
consist of a stone mansion, a
large stone barn, carriage and wagon
houses, granary, ice house, lime kiln, &c. This
is an opportunity such as is seldom offered to
persons wishing to purchase a pleasant country
residence. One half the purchase money may
remain on the property. For further particulars
enquire of the subscriber on the premises.
Sept. 9, 1815. 3m26

See the Evans - John Purchases for the deed history.

Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 5/23/2022.

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