Real Estate at PUBLIC SALE
09.30.1845 American Republican
Real Estate at Public Sale By virtue of the order of the Orphan's Court of Chester county, will be sold at Public Sale, on Thursday, the 6th day of November, 1845. The following valuable Real Estate of the late Benj. Funk, dec'd. LOT No. 3 in said order - Being a Wood lot, situate on the south side of the Valley hill, in Tredyffrin township, bounded by lands of John Garber and others, containing FOURTEEN ACRES, be the same more or less; it is well set with timber of a first-rate quality, a large proportion of which is Chestnut [earlier records spell it chesnut]; it is within one mile of the Valley Forge, and convenient to Lime-burners; it would make a beautiful building lot after the timber is off. Any person wishing to view the same will call on the subscribers or Elijah Funk. Sale on the lot at 1 o'clock precisely on said day. Conditions at sale. LOT No. 4. Being a valuable lot of Limestone Quarries situate in Cedar Hollow, bounded by lands of Jesse Gyger and others, containing 2 Acres and 55 perches, be the same more or less. The buildings and other improvements consist of a two story Stone HOUSE and a two story tone spring house over a never failing spring of water; said house is occupied over the spring as a dwelling; a stone barn calculated for stabling eight head of horses and two of cows; there is an excellent granary fitted up in the same; there are on the lot two good gardens enclosed with pale fence; and two substantial Kilns in excellent burning order; there is at this time a very extensive business carried on at these Kilns, the lime of which has as high a reputation as any in the Great Valley. LOT No. 5. Being a Limestone lot situate in Cedar Hollow, bounded by lands of Robt. Todd and others containing a half acre be the same more or less. LOT No. 6, Being a limestone lot situate in Cedar Hollow, bounded by lot No. 5, lands of Robert Todd and others, containing a 1/4 of an acre be the same more or less. Any person wishing to view said property will call on the subscribers, or John Hampton, tenant to the same. The sale of lots No. 4, 5 and 6, will be held on lot No. 4, at 3 o'clock on said day (Thursday, the 6th day of november.) Conditions at Sale.
Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 5/24/2022.
