Document Collection

Public Sale
Of Real Estate

02.02.1847 R & D
BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Chester county, will be sold at public sale,
on Saturday the 20th of February, 1847, at 1 o'clock
p.m. the undivided two-thirds part of a
certain Messuage and Tract of Land, situate in
Tredyffrin township, in said county,late the property
of Ephraim Hughes, deceased, bounded by
lands of Daniel Baugh, Joshua Evans, deceased,
Robert Divine, and others,
Containing 41 1/2 Acres more or
less. The improvements are a Stone
HOUSE, and a BARN, partly of stone
and partly frame. This property is situated
on the Columbia and Philadelphia Railroad,
and Lancaster and Philadelphia Turnpike.
These two great thoroughfares run immediately
along the south side of it. It is about 1/2 a mile
east of Paoli tavern, in a good neighborhood, and
is a desirable property for a small farm.
Will be sold, also, at the same time and place,
the remaining undivided one-third part of the
above tract.
TERMS. - $750 cash; the balance to be secured
by bond and mortgage upon the premises.
Feb. 2 - 3t

See the Mordecai Moore Patent for the deed history.

Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 5/26/2022.

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