Document Collection


02.23.1847 American Republican
BY virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias to me
directed, will be sold at Public Sale, on
Tuesday, the 16th day of March next, at one o'clock
p.m., on the premises, the following described
Real Estate, situate at Reeseville, Tredyffrin
township, Chester county, bounded and
described as follows, viz :
No. 1, Bounded by lands of John Kugler and
No. 2 hereafter described, containing 10 ACRES
and 17 perches, more or less, on which is erected
a large mansion HOUSE and large Barn,
both substantially built of stone, and in
good erepair. The house is now occupied as a
Boarding School, and rented for $250 per annum.
There is an Apple Orchard on the premises, and
various other fruit trees, also a fine garden.
No. 2, Bounded by the above described property,
lands of Henry Carter and others, containing
5 ACRES, more or less, on which is erected
a large stone DWELLING and STOREHOUSE,
stone BARN, 2 tenant houses
and other out buildings. There is also an Apple
Orchard on this property and a valuable Garden
planted with choice Grape Vines, Peach, Plum,
Pear and other fruit.
No. 3, Bounded by lands of Peter Burn and the
above described property, containing 7 ACRES
of Land, be the same more or less, on which is
erected a large stone FARM HOUSE,
and other out buildings, all in good order.
There is a well of good water and a pump therein
on each of the above lots. The above described
property is in a high state of cultivation, enclosed
by good fences. It is eligibly situated on
the Columbia and Philadelphia railroad, and
tghe Lancaster and Philadelphia turnpike road,
16 miles from the latter place. Seized and taken
in execution as the property of CAMILLE LACHAPELLE
and to be sold by
J.B. Wood, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, West Chester,
Feb. 23 - ts.

See the William Standly Patent for the deed history.

Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 5/27/2022.

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