Document Collection

Personal Property of Ezekiel Potts

03.07.1847 Village Record
PUBLIC SALE. - at Public Sale
on the 23d day of March, 1848, at his residence
in Tredyffrin township, Chester county, 1 1/2
mile north of Howellville, the following personal
property, consisting of 4 HORSES, 2
of which are good leaders, 2 Colts, 1
four and the other three years old, of
good stock, 5 good MILCH COWS,
19 Ewes and Lambs, mixed with Sonthdown [?] [Southdown]
and Bakewell; 1 Buck low broad wheel Wagon
with Hay Ladders, Market Dearborn for one
or two losses, Ploughs, Harrows, Cultivators,
Grain-cradles, Scythes, Grindstone, Wheelbarrow,
Winnowing mill, Cornsheller, Fedder-cutter
and Crusher, two horse power THRESHING
MACHINE, (Calculated for threshing on
either side of barn floor,) with shaker attached;
3 setts [sic] of lead gears, 2 setts of hind co., plough
Gears, Collars, Halters, Bridles, Rakes, Forks,
Revolving Horse-rake, Ox-chains, Forked do.,
Fifth Chain ; Household and Kitchen Furniture,
such as Bedsteads, Bureau, Tables, Chairs,
Pots, Kettles, wood and coal Stove, Tubs, Buckets
and numerous other articles not mentioned.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P.M., when
conditions will be made known.
March 7, 1847. EZEKIEL POTTS.
N.B., - Ryestraw by the bundle.

The location of this tract is unknown.

Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 5/27/2022.

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