Document Collection

First Rate Valley Farm

08.31.1847 American Republican
PURSUANT to the directions of the last will
and testament of John Kugler, late of the
township of Tredyffrin, in the county of Chester
deceased, will be sold, on the 21st day of October,
A.D. 1847, at 1 o'clock, P.M., all that certain
messuage, plantation and tract of land, situate
in the township of Tredyffrin aforesaid,
bounded by lands of David Howard, Ezekiel
Potts, Samuel Beaver and others, containing
One Hundred and sixty-five acres, [165]
More or less, with the appurtenances. About
fifty acres of the above described tract is Woodland,
the rest is first rate Valley land, in a high
state of cultivation, under good fence and divided
into fields of convenient size.
The two branches of the Valley creek unite on
this property, and there is a good WATER
POWER of about sixteen feet fall, with a large
volume of water, not liable to be much affected
by drought. It is eligibly situated for manufacturing
purposes, being but about two miles from
the Philadelphia and Columbia Railroad, and the
same distance from the Reading Railroad, and
the canal of the Schuylkill Navigation Company,
in a good neighborhood, densely populated, and
continually improving.
The buildings are of a superior character. -
The DWELLING HOUSE is substantially
built of stone, 2 stories high, and 52
feet front, by 32 in depth, with a piazza running
along the whole front. There is a stone kitchen
in the rear of convenient size, with a pump of
good water at the door. The Barn is of stone,
82 feet by 32, with an overshoot adjoining, and
also two hay or straw stables. There is a milk
house, smithshop, carriage house and other out
buildings; all substantially built, and in every
way well adapted to the purposes of the farm.-
A good apple orchard and a number of fruit
trees of various kinds of fruit, furnish an ample
supply of the best fruits in season.
This property is altogether one of the most desirable
in the county. Possession will be given
on the first day of April next, to the purchaser.
The title is indisputable. Terms made known
on day of sale.
August 31 - ts

See the David Meredith tract for the deed history.

Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 5/27/2022.

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