Document Collection

A Superior Valley Farm at
PUBLIC SALE, 207 acre farm, limestone land.

10.30.1849 Village Record
IN pursuance of the last will and testament of John G. Bull,
dec'd, late of the township of Tredyffrin, in
the county of Chester, will be sold at Public Auction,
on Thursday, the first day of November next, on the
premises, all that valuable FARM late the residence of
said decedent, situate on the road leading from Norristown
to Downingtown, 1 1/2 miles from the Paoli Tavern,
bounded by lands of Abner Cornog, Edward Bartholomew,
Robert T. Evans and others, containing 207 ACRES
of valuable Limestone LAND, being part
meadow, with a fair proportion of Timber Land, conveniently
divided and under a good fence. This property
has long been considered as one of the best farms in
the Great Valley, and has immense Quarries of LIMESTONE
and MARBLE of good quality, which in the
hands of an enterprising man,c ould be made very productive,
and also a very valuable Water Power on the
Valley Creek, which runs partially through the premises.
The MANSION is large and commodious,
with all the necessary buildings convenient
thereto. The BARN is a double decker, with
ample stabling, granneries, &e., constructed
therewith. There are three TENANT HOUSES, and
a Wheelwright and Blacksmith shops on the premises
all convenient to mills, schools, and places of worship.
There are various kinds of grafted fruit, such as Apples,
Peaches, &c. Any person or persons wishing to view
the premises, will please call on M.M. Stephens or
John G. Bull on the premises. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock,
P.M., when attendance will be given, and
conditions made known by
JOHN ELLIOTT. Executors.
Sept. 18.

See the Rees Rhythey Purchase for the deed history. The property was sold in 2 parts, to Samuel Philips and Conrad Acker.

Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 5/30/2022.

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