Document Collection

PUBLIC SALE, 3 wood lots, two of 15 acres and one of 5 acres

10.30.1849 Village Record
PURSUANT to an order of the Orphans' Court of
Chester county, will be sold at Public Sale, at
the Public House of Hugh I. Steen, in Howeltown,[sic] [Howelville], in
the township of Tredyffrin, in said county, on Thursday,
November 22d, 1849, the following described
REAL ESTATE, late the property of John Morton Davis,
deceased, via :
No. 1. A WOODLOT, in Charlestown township, in
said county, bounded by lands of Jacob Richabaugh, [sic]
deceased, and others, containing 15 ACRES, more or
No. 2. A WOODLOT, in Tredyffrin township, in
said county, bounded by lands of Adam Snider, dec'd,
John G. Bull dec'd, and others, containing 15 ACRES,
more or less.
No 3. A WOODLOT, in Tredyffrin, bounded by
lands of Charles Thompson, Jacob Wismer and others,
containing 5 ACRES, more or less. Sale at 1 o'clock,
P.M. Conditions at sale. MARY DAVIS,
Administrators. Oct 23, 1849. - 3t

See the Mordecai Moore Patent for the deed history of lot #2.

Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 5/30/2022.

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