Document Collection

An Adjourned Sale

10.30.1849 Village Record
ON Thursday the 22d day of November next, will
be sold on the premises, at public sale, by order
of the Orphans' Court of Chester county, the following
Real Estate, late the property of William Walley,
deceased, devised to the children of Anna Maria Davis,
under the will of the said William Walley,
LOT No. 1, a FARM in the Great Valley,
Chester county, formerly the property and residence
of Judge Davis, dec'd, and now in the occupancy of
John Beaver, containing 165 1/2 ACRES more or less,
about 10 Acres whereof are woodland. It is in a high
state of improvement, and believed to be inferior in
natural fertility to no land in that justly celebrated
tract of country. The improvements consist
of a spacious and convenient stone MANSION
HOUSE, large stone BARN, wagon
house, large spring and dairy house, wagon
house, large spring and dairy house, over a
copious and never-failing spring ; an ice house, carriage
house, corn crib and other out-buildings, with
a good Apple ORCHARD in prime bearing. It is situated
on the Swede's Ford [Swedesford] road, near the village of
Howeltown, [ sic] [Howellville] in Tredyffrin township, about two miles
from the Paoli, on the Columbia railroad and Lancaster
turnpike, and about 17 miles from Philadelphia,
8 miles from Norristown, and 10 from West Chester,
situated in a densely populated and respectable neighborhood,
near to places of public worship of various
denominations ; also mills, mechanics' shops and
schools, and is well watered by two streams of excellent
LOT No, 2, a lot of Land in the aforesaid
village of Howeltown, [sic] [Howelville], whereon are erected two
stone DWELLING HOUSES, two frame stables,
smith shop and shoemaker shop, which are dong a
good business. It is situated at the junction of the
Swede's Ford [sic] [Swedesford] road and the road leading to the Lancaster
turnpike. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock on
said day. For further information apply to
adjoining the above premises, or to Isaac D Pyle,
Attorney at Law, West Chester. Oct.23

See the David Meredith for the deed history.

Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 5/30/2022.

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