Document Collection

Valuable Grist and Saw Mill at

11.27.1849 American Republican
THE subscriber offers, at private sale a valuable
Grist and Saw Mill with about 30 acres
of limestone Land in Tredyffrin township, Chester
county, bounded by lands of Samuel Acker,
Conrad Acker and others. The improvements
consist of a comfortable Dwelling House,
good stone Barn, stone Wagon House,
stone Spring House, and other out buildings.
The Mill has two run of Burrs, and is substantially
built of stone, and is sufficiently large and
convenient. It is on the Valley Creek, has a
head and fall of 12 feet, and has lately been
thoroughly repaired. The Saw Mill is nearly
new, and substantially built. The land is of an
excellent quality, and is conveniently divided into
small fields. There is an orchard of young thriving
apple trees, and a variety of other fruit
trees. The above property is 22 miles from
Philadelphia, 2 1/2 from the Columbia, and 4 from
the Philadelphia and Reading railroad, and convenient
to schools and places of worship. Any
person wishing to view the premises, will be
shown the same by applying to the subscriber residing
Tredyffrin, Nov. 27 3tpd

See the Thomas David purchase for the deed history. This is St. Peter’s Mill. The sale notice was published in 11/27/1849, 10/15/1850, and 10/26/1852.

Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 5/30/2022.

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