Document Collection

PUBLIC SALE, 27 acres.

10.08.1850 Village Record
Valuable Real Estate at
Public Sale. - Will be sold at Public Sale, on
THURSDAY, the 14th day of November next, at
one o'clock, P.J., on the premises, a small FARM,
late the property of Joseph Watson, dec'd, situate in
Tredyffrin township, Chester county, containing about
27 ACRES, bounded by lands of George Beaver,
Adam Siter, and others. The improvements
are a large two-story stone Dwelling
HOUSE, with two rooms and cellar back
on the first floor ; 4 rooms on the second
story ; stone Barn, with wagon house and
slaughter house adjoining; stone spring
house over a never-failing spring water near
the door. The above property is divided into
fields of convenient size, with a small portion of wood.
There is a young, thrifty Apple Orchard, with a variety
of other fruit trees. The soil is good, well watered,
and in a fine state of cultivation. A property
like the above for size and location, is rarely offered.
The location is beautiful and the size such as would
suit a mechanic or professional man. It is situated on
the road leading from Valley Forge through Cedar Hollow
to Yellow Springs, and near the main road
leading from Phoenixville to Paoli, about 2 miles from
the latter place - convenient to mills, schools, stores
and places of worship of various denominations. -
Persons are requested to call and examine said property.
Further information may be obtained from
MARY WATSON, residing thereon, or from LEWIS WATSON,
at Howellville, near Paoli. Terms will
be made known on the day of sale.
BY THE HEIRS. Oct. 8, 1850.

See the William Mordant Patent for the deed history. It is not clear why the area of the farm is quoted as 27 acres. There is no other Watson farm.

Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 6/1/2022.

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