12.10.1850 American Republican
BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Chester county, will be sold, at public sale, on Tuesday, the 31st of December, 1850, at one o'clock,
P.M. , on the premises, the following REAL ESTATE, late the property of Edward McCloskey, deceased, situated in Tredyffrin township, Chester county, to wit : Lot No. 1. a FARM containing 38 Acres and 142 Perches of land, bounded by lands of David Chrisman [sic] [also spelled Christman], Conrad Colchower and others. Upon this tract there is a good Dwelling House, 2 stories high, 4 rooms on the first floor and 4 on the second; large stone barn, Wagon-house, and Spring-house over a never failing spring of water near the dwelling; and other out buildings; Apple Orchard and other fruit trees. It is well watered and fenced. The land is of the best quality, with abundance of lime stone and marble, and n a good state of cultivation. Lot No. 2, is a tract of Woodland, (and to be sold at same time and place on No. 1,) situated in Willistown township, Chester county, containing 3 Acres and 13 Perches, bounded by lands of John Wisler, Lancaster turnpike at the 20th mile stone, and others. This is well set with CHESNUT TIMBER, and is about 3 miles from No. 1. Persons desirous of viewing the property, will please call on either of the subscribers residing near No. 1. Conditions made known an day of sale, by SAMUEL ACKER, ISAAC DETWILER, Administrators. Dec. 10 3t
Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 5/31/2022.
