Document Collection

Messuage and Lot, 4 acres

02.17.1852 American Republican
BY virtue of a writ of fieri facias, to me directed,
will be sold at public sale, on Thursday the
11th of March next, at one o'clock, P.M., on the
premises, a certain stone Messuage and Lot or
piece of ground, situate in the township of Tredyffrin,
in the county of Chester, bounded by
lands of Thomas McMinn, Richard C. Walker,
and others, containing 4 acres, more or less, with
the appurtenances, 2 acres of which is highly improved
land, well watered and fenced, with a
good proportion of Meadow and about 2 acres of
first rate Chesnut timber, of 30 years growth.
The improvements consist of a good
stone dwelling House, two stories high,
with basement kitchen and cave attached;
a good barn, part stone and part frame; stone
spring house, over an excellent spring of water;
also, an Apple Orchard, and other fruit trees. -
This property is in a good neighborhood, convenient
to schools, places of public worship, &c., -
Seized and taken in execution as the property of
Curry Ganges and to be sold by
N.B. - The Sheriff has made the following one
of the conditions of his sale of Real Estate, and
it will be enforced in the sale of the above premises.
Fifty Dollars of the price or sum at which
[balance of article is missing, but language
probably continues with this, as in doc504]
the property may be struck off shall be paid to
the Sheriff at the time of sale, (unless the purchase
money be less than that sum, in which
case only the purchase money shall be paid,) otherwise
the property will again be put up and sold;
Sheriff's Office, West Chester, Feb. 17.

See the Thomas Symons Patent for the deed history of this tract.

Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 6/2/2022.

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