VALLEY MILL PROPERTY At Public Sale, 30 acres Grist and Saw Mills
10.26.1852 American Republican
WILL be exposed at public sale, on Thursday, the 25th of November next on the premises, about 30 acres of Valley Land, in the township of Tredyffrin, Chester county, bounded by lands of Samuel Ecker, Henry Detwiler and others, on the large Valley Creek. The improvements are a large stone Grist Mill, with two run of French Burrs, and 12 feet head and fall, in good repair, and doing a good business; also a good Saw Mill at the end of the grist mill, at which have been, lately, many thousand feet of lumber prepared. The other buIldings are a comfortable log Dwelling, a stone spring house, and well of water near the dwelling; a stone Barn and wagon house, lately built, togeTher with all necessary out buildings, all in good repair. The land is divided into convenient fields, well fenced and watered, and in a high state of cultivation. There is also a great number of all kinds of fruit trees, in full bearing. This property is in a good neighborhood, convenient to schools and places of public worship of different denominations, and about one mile from the Valley Railroad, and two from the Columbia. For a view of the property, call on the subscriber, living thereon. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P.M. Conditions at sale. DAVID CHRISMAN. Oct 26 4tp
Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 6/4/2022.