Document Collection

Private Sale, Wm. Campbell, deceased, 9 acres

08.31.1853 American Republican
Private Sale
THE subscriber offers for sale, the property of
the late Wm. Campbell, deceased, situate in
Tredyffrin Township, Chester county, 15 miles
from Philadelphia, on the road leading from the
Lancaster Turnpike to the Valley Forge, containing
about 9 ACRES OF LAND. The
improvements are a 2 story frame
House, with 2 rooms on a floor; a good
frame stable, and also an excellent Apple
Orchard and a variety of other fruit
trees. Said property is very pleasantly situated
and in a good healthy neighborhood. For further
information, enquire of B. Supplee, near the
premises, or of the undersigned, at the corner of
Broad and Green streets, Philadelphia.
WM. CAMPBELL. Aug. 31, 4t pd

See the Thomas Symons Patent for the deed history.

Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 6/5/2022.

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