Document Collection

Stand, Farm, Lime Quarries, &c., 3 tracts (100, 8-10, and 60 acres respectively), and a separate 15 acre lot

10.04.1853 Village Record
THE subscriber, wishing tro remove to the West,
offers at Private Sale his property, at Howelville [sic] [Howellville],
Tredyffrin township, Chester county; which will be
sold altogether or divided as follows ;
No. 1, consisting of the large Tavern HOUSE,
livery stable, Barns, and large stone tenement,
capable of holding two families, Saddler Shop,
together with ONE HUNDRED ACRES of Land,
more or less. The land is in a good state, being well
limed every year, and very well watered, a fountain
of never failing spring water next the door, the above
has the reputation of being an excellent drove stand.
No. 2, containing from 8 to 10 ACRES upon which
there is an excellent Lime Stone Quarry, and three
kilns in good order, at which there has been for many
years, a large quantity of Lime sold, and the business
is rapidly increasing. These kilns are within 100
yards of the depot of the Chester Valley Railroad.
No. 3., containing SIXTY ACRES, about 35 Acres
of which is Farm Land, in a good state of cultivation,
the balance consists of Thriving Chestnut [sic][early ads use Chesnut] and Chestnut
Oak Timber of about 25 years growth, the above
tracts are all under good fence, and No. 3, supposed
to contain Iron Ore, for terms, which will be very
easy, but a very small part of purchgse [sic] [purchase money
Also, a lot of 15 Acres of land, principally meadow
land, with a stream of water passing through it, beside,
several springs upon it, situated at Valley Forge,
in Schuylkill township. For further information,
apply as above. J.S. WORKIZER,
Norristown, Pa. Sept. 27 - tf

See the Mordecai Moore Patent for the deed history of the Howellville Taverns.

Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 6/5/2022.

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