11.01.1853 American Republican
A Valley Farm at Private Sale, - The subscriber offers at private sale, the farm on which he now resides, situate in Tredyffrin township, Chester county, consisting of 94 ACRES, more or less, of arable Limestone land of the best quality, of Great Valley soil, now in the highest and most productive state of cultivation. The buildings consist of a large and commodious stone DWELLING, (suitable for the accommodation of two families,) with a kitchen attached, with water under shelter, and fitted with all the modern inventions for washing and other culinary purposes, a large stone Barn, both for storage and stabling with a large straw house attached wagon and carriage houses, milk house, wood house, corn crib, and other out buildings. There is on the premises, a Limestone Quarry absolutely inexhaustible, as some of the best quality underlies the entire surface. The quarry is now in good condition easily worked, and the lime kiln nearly new; Copper and Silver ore were formerly mined on the premises, and there is an appearance of Iron ore in several places. There is a well of constant water near the door, and an unfailing stream passes through the property, to which there is access from the barn-yard. There is also a large Apple Orchard on the premises, and Peach, Pear and other fruit trees in full bearing. This property is about two miles from Valley Forge, on a public road from Philadelphia to Reading, 1 mile from the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad and the Schuylkill Navigation at Port Kennedy, and about the same distance from the Chester Valley Railroad. For a view of the premises, terms of sale and other particulars, apply to the subscriber residing thereon. STEPHEN STEPHENS. Nov 1 - 3t pd.
Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 6/5/2022.
