Document Collection

Chester Valley Farm, 114 Acres

10.31.1854 American Republican
Chester Valley Farm at Public
Sale. - The subscriber will sell a public sale,
on THURSDAY, the 16th of November next, at 1
o'clock, P.M. pon the premises, the Farm on which
he now resides, situate in Tredyffrin township,
Chester county, consisting of 114 ACRES, more or
less, of arable limestone land in a high state of
cultivation, bounded by lands of David Havard,
Jos. B. Walker and others. The improvements
are a large two story Stone House,
with a well of excellent water at the
door; stone Barn, 75 by 45 feet, with
straw house, wagon house, corn crib, and other
necessary outbuildings. There is also a carriage
house, spring house over a never failing spring of
water convenient to the dwelling. The property
is divided into convenient fields, well watered,
there being water in every field. There is on the
premises a Limestone Quarry and Lime Kiln; the
Limestone is of the best quality and inexhaustible.
This property is handsomely situated in sight of
the Chester Valley Railroad, within two miles of
the Reading Railroad and Schuylkill Navigation
at Valley Forge, and about the same distance from
the Columbia Railroad, and is supposed to contain
an abundance of Iron Ore. Any person wishing
to view the property will please call upon the subscriber
at Valley Forge. Terms accommodating.
E. POTTS. Oct 31 - 2t

See the Griffith John Patent for the deed history of the William Potts farm.

Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 6/2/2022.

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