Document Collection

Farm, Tavern Stand and Lime, 170 acres

11.09.1854 Village Record
Stone Quarries at Private Sale.
THE subscriber offers at private sale, the property
on which he now resides, called the Howelville Hotel [sic] [Howellville],
in Tredyffrin township, containing about ONE
HUNDRED and SEVENTY ACRES. This property
will be sold altogether or divided as follows.
No. 1, containing ONE HUNDRED Acres
and buildings, large TAVERN HOUSE,
double stone Tenant House, Saddler Shop,
livery stable, barns, slaughter house and
all necessary out buildings ; fountain and spring house
at the door, and also a stream of water passing thro'
the centre of the premises.
No. 2 containing about TEN Acres, three lime
kilns and quarries, where a large business is being
done at burning lime.
No. 3, containing SIXTY Acres, about 35 arable,
the balance wood. Apply to

See the Mordecai Moore Patent for the deed history of the Howellville Inn site.

Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 6/2/2022.

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