Document Collection

Personal Property at Public Sale.

Date: 06 March 1859
Village Record; courtesy of Chester County Historical Society

Personal Property at Public Sale.

THE subscriber being about to decline the teaming business, will sell at public sale, at his residence in Tredyffrin township, Chester county, on the Lancas-ter turnpike, half a mile east of Paoli, the following described Personal Property, to wit : —NINE HEAD OF HORSES; among the number is the well-known horse AROCHROKO, and a young horse of fine style and action, calculated for light harness and the saddle ; the remaining seven cannot be surpassed for beauty, strength and durability ; there are three excellent single and double leaders among the number ; they are all calculated for draft and farm¬ing purposes. One pair of well-broke WORKING OXEN of good size; TWO GOOD COWS with calves by their sides ; one BULL, two years old. Two sets of quilers, good as new ; three sets of good lead gears ; collars head and blind halter; five good housens three sets of fly straps; wagon and side saddles ; broad wheeled road wagon, nearly new ; fifth, forked and carroing chains, double and single trees. A set of Blacksmith Tools, such as bellows, anvils, sledges, hammers, &c.

Sale to commence at 1 o'clock.
Conditions by HUGH J. STEEN.
Geo. Kirk, Auc'r.


Hugh Steen, Serial Entrepreneur of Tredyffrin by Mike Bertram, TEHS Quarterly, vol. 50, #1 (March 2013)