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To Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights.
05.17.1826 Village Record
To Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights.
TO LET, two complete SHOPS, situate in
Tredyffrin township, near to Howell's Tavern,
in the Great Valley, and distant 2
or 3 miles from any other shop ; there has
always been sufficient work for two hands in
each shop, and there has been generally four
in the Blacksmith shop. There is also a
dwelling with about two acres of good land
to be let with them. Apply to the subscriber
near the premises.
John M. Davis.
Tredyffrin, May 3, 1826. 44
Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 11/05/2022.