Valley Forge Hotel Affray [Brawl]
12.04.1858 J
Phoenix, gives the following version On
Saturday night last, a very unpleasant occurrence
took place at the House of Mr. James. P. Hoy,
at Valley Forge. About 8 o'clock, three
men came into the bar-room and asked for
some brandy to drink, which was refused for
reasons then given. One of the party asked
for a letter. The Postmaster examined the
box, and said there was no letter for him. He
was then charged in a very insulting manner
with neglect of duty in not delivering letters
when called for. This charge was denied.
The fellow then made a rush for the Post Office,
saying "he'd be d___d if he wouldn't have
it," but was checked by the prompt interference
of the proprietor. Mr. Hoy then stated
that there was sickness in the house - his
father above stairs was at the point of death,
&c., and wishing no noise in the house, he
desired them to leave. The reply was "they
would leave just when they d___d pleased,
and not sooner. Again he ordered them to
leave, which they refused to do. He then
tried to put them out, when a scuffle ensued,
commencing in the bar-room and ending on the
porch at the door. Mr. Hoy and his mother,
who was drawn to the spot by the noise, received
bodily injuries : but the assaulters,
however, were worsted. We think Mr. Hoy
was justified, in fact the law guarantees him
the right to protect his own castle, and as the
intruders were worsted, it served them right.
We learn the parties have lodged complaints
with Justices of the Peace, where the cases
are being heard, but of the result we are not
yet distinctly informed. We judge, however,
there will be a binding over to Court and the
[last line is cut off]
Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 11/05/2022.
