Document Collection

Hoy to Take Charge Mansion House

04.02.1880 L

Removed to Valley Forge. - Mr. John L. Hoy,
formerly engaged in the restaurant business
in Norristown, removed on Thursday with
his family from Norristown to Valley Forge
and becomes the proprietor of the Mansion House,
formerly kept by Stanley Ogden, which
was recently purchased by Mr. Hoy. Last
night he formally opened the hotel with a
grand hop.

Note: See a Sept. 14, 1963 article which relates that the hotel served as a hospital during the American Revolution. Also see a Nov. 11, 1964 similar article . The house is also known as the James White house, Mansion House, Valley Forge Hotel.
Lastly, see Mike Bertram's Fall 2009 article.

Found by Herb Fry. Digitized by Heidi Sproat 11/06/2022.

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