At Private Sale, to be Sold a LOT OF LAND
1793.09.21 National Gazette, Philadelphia, PA
link page 4, Chronicling America.
IN Tredyffrin township, Chester county, distant
from Philadelphia bout 18 miles, and from
Lancaster road about 3-4ths, containing TWENTY-FIVE
ACRES. Of this lot about 8
acres only are cleared - the rest is woodland, consisting
chiefly of young Chestnut Timber. There are?
on the premises a Log Dwelling House, Weaver's
Shop, a double Log barn, a young Bearing Orchard
of 50 Trees, about 3 acres of watered
Meadow, a good Spring, and a never-failing
Stream of Water, running from a spout near the
door. From its situation and the great advantage
of raising the water, it is thought to be an
eligible place for a Distiller, Tanner, Currier or
Malster (?). For terms apply near the premises to
September 3, 1793. 1aw3w
Found and digitized by Heidi Sproat 12/22/2022. Note "f's" are really "s's".