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Special to THE LEADER.

Philadelphia, June 29. After an existence of 34 years the Lincoln Institution, which for the past 17 years has been used as a school for Indian children, has been closed. This is the result of the action of the Board of Managers, who decided last fall not to ask further appropriations from Congress for its maintenance. Lincoln Institution was founded in 1865 as a home for the orphans of soldiers. It was used for that purpose for 18 years, at the end of which time the management resolved to devote it exclusively to the purpose of Indian education. In September 1883, it was opened as an Indian school, since which time 519 Indian boys and 487 Indian girls have been its pupils. The majority of these have been provided with remunerative positions.

The Institution has enjoyed a grant of $167 per annum for each of the 200 pupils it has accommodated.

Notes and References

Courtesy of the Allentown Leader, 1900.06.29 Lincoln Institute, The Allentown Leader p8.pdf