Document Collection


Lack of Contributions and Friends Makes the Managers Deem the Step Necessary

Interesting reports were presented by the managers and officers of the Lincoln Institute at the last annual meeting, which was held yesterday at 324 South Eleventh street. In regard to the teaching of Indians the report says that the work was first begun in 1883. The Institute was organized in 1866, but the first eighteen years were devoted to the care of soldiers' orphans.

The report went on to say that it would be necessary to close the school on account of the lack of funds. Much regret is expressed for the children, who will have to be returned to their previous surroundings. It is said that the last year was a trying one and it had been decided not to ask the usual appropriation of Congress, but to make the fiscal year, ending June 30, the last.

The Board of Council elected as president the Rt. Rev. Ozi W. Whitaker, D.D.; vice president, G. Theo. Roberts; secretary, Samuel Bell, and treasurer, H. Laussat Geyelin.

Notes and References

Courtesy of the Philadelphia Times, 1900.01.19 Last Annual Meeting of the Lincoln School, Philadelphia Times p2.pdf