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Good Results Follow the Education of Indian Boys

Bishop Whitaker presided yesterday at the twenty-fourth annual meeting of the contributors to the Educational Home, at 324 South Eleventh street. The report showed that for the last ten years the home has cared for and educated 364 Indian boys from the age of 6 to 18 years.

The report states concerning the Indian boys that: "To their own homes they have carried back the education and knowledge gained in the East, and the reservations to-day show that seeds sown here are fast bringing forth fruit. The wigwam, the blanket, and the tomahawk have almost disappeared, and the wild aboriginal Indian is in many places a thing of the past. During the past year thirty-one boys have been admitted, twenty-two returned home, and two have died, leaving on the roll at the close of the year 110."

The receipts of the Board of Managers during the year, according to the report of treasurer Annie Fitler Howell, were $22,333.06, and the expenditures $21,852.30, leaving a balance on hand of $440.75. Treasurer H. Laussat Geyelin of the Board of Council, reports that the receipts were $18,411.69; expenditures, $16,496.42, leaving a balance of $1,915.27.

The officers of the Board of Council for 1896 are as follows: President ex-officio, Right Rev. Ozi W. Whitaker, D.D.; president, G. Theodore Roberts; secretary, James W. Hazlehurst; treasurer, H. Laussat Geyelin; ex-officio members, G. Theodore Roberts, Samuel Bell.

The officers of the Board of Managers will be: Directresses, Mrs. Mary McHenry Cox, Mrs. Phoebe H. Ashbridge, Miss Mary J. Lewis; secretary, Mrs. Persifor Frazer; assistant secretary, Miss M.M. Neilson; treasurer, Mrs. Charles H. Howell; ex-officio members, Mrs. Mary McHenry Cox, Mrs. Charles F. Lennig, Mrs. Thomas K. Conrad.

Notes and References

Courtesy of the Philadelphia Inquirer, 1896.02.07 Bearing Good Fruit, Philadelphia Inquirer p5.pdf