Document Collection

Lincoln Institution's Progress

At the annual meeting of the Lincoln Institution and Educational Home, held yesterday at 324 South Eleventh street, general progress in all departments was reported. The election resulted as follows: Board of Council - President, Right. Rev. Ozi W. Whitaker, D. D.; first vice president, Right. Rev. Mackay-Smith, D. D.; second vice president G. Theodore Roberts; secretary, Samuel Bell, and treasurer H. Laussat Geyelin. A board of managers, consisting of twenty-four lady members, was also chosen, with the following officiers: Directresses, Mrs. John Bellangee Cox, Mrs. Thomas K. Conrad and Mrs. E. K. Tullidge; secretaries, Mrs. R. C. H. Brock and Mrs. Persifor Frazer, and treasurer, Mrs. Charles H. Howell.

Notes and References

Courtesy of the Philadelphia Inquirer, 1903-2-6.