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Lincoln Institution MeetingBishop Ozi W. Whitaker presided yesterday at the combined annual meeting of the Lincoln Institution and Educational Home, which marked the fortieth year of the former and the thirty-fourth of the latter. There are at present 31 girls and 7 boys at the Institution, 324 South Eleventh street, representing eight Indian tribes. Bishop Whitaker was re-elected president, with Rt. Rev. Alexander Mackay-Smith, first vice president, G. Theodore Roberts, second vice president; Samuel Bell, secretary; H. Laussat Geyelin, treasurer. The Board of Managers are Mrs. John Bellangee Cox, founder of the Institution and Home, as first directress; Mrs. Thomas K. Conrad, second directress; Mrs. E. K. Tullidge, third directress; Miss Mary Henry, secretary; Mrs. Charles H. Howell, treasurer.